Actividades de la cadena de suministro de banano/ Sustainability and Value Added in Supply Chains (AgriChains). Commodity Hub Ecuador. Activities in the banana supply chain.

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Identifier: 6517
Topographic Signature: EC. 12. 013. 0042

Author: Paola Solís
Views: 1707
Language: Español
Category: Text
Place: Quito, Ecuador
Editorial: GIZ Ecuador
Publish Year: 2023
Page Number: 28

El proyecto Cadenas Sostenibles de la Cooperación Alemana para el Desarrollo (GIZ) forma parte del Programa Global Sostenibilidad y Valor Agregado en Cadenas de Suministro (AgriChains), por encargo del Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo (BMZ) de Alemania. Su área de intervención son las provincias de El Oro (banano) y de Esmeraldas y Napo (cacao) en Ecuador.

Este documento presenta las actividades en curso y las implementadas, con enfoque en la cadena de suministro de banano.


The Commodity Hub Ecuador Project of the German Development Cooperation Agency, GIZ, is part of the Global Program: Sustainability and Value Added in Supply Chains (AgriChains), commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The area of intervention covers the provinces of El Oro (bananas) and Esmeraldas and Napo (cacao) in Ecuador. The Commodity Hub seeks to improve sustainability in agricultural supply chains for bananas and cacao, recognizing the importance of linking consumers in the destination countries and production conditions in the country of origin.

This document presents the activities underway and implemented, with a focus on the banana supply chain.

Phone Number: +591(2)277 1380
Address: Av. Julio Patiño #1178 entre calles 17 y 18, Calacoto - La Paz - Bolivia
Phone Number: +591(2)277 1380
Address: Av. Julio Patiño #1178 entre calles 17 y 18, Calacoto - La Paz - Bolivia